Did you know? You can control PizzaCalc by pressing the underlined letters on the keyboard!

Clear [Esc]

Missing ingredients:




Add these ingredients:



Hi there!

If anything doesn't work feel free to contact Marv via Mail. I'm also open for feature requests! My mail is marv@mailbox.org.


Copy the entries from the Pizza Konfigurator sheet. Click on the sizes and dough options to select them. The price will be recalculated with every change you made. Make sure you enter existing ingredient and compound numbers! You can find the total sum at the bottom of the page.

Missing Ingredients

Just enter the numbers of the ingredients we don't have today. You can use spaces or commas to separate them. If the pizza contains a missing ingredient (the πzzaCalc can tell for both proven compounds and custom ingredients) you'll get a red warning message at the bottom of the page.


Just the base of the pizza (dough, sauce and cheese). Use this if the customer chose their own ingredients. Enter them in the 'Add these ingredients' list.

Bewährte Verbindung (proven compound):
Enter the number of a pre-configured pizza (1 to 6).

Add these ingredients

Enter the customer's ingredients separated by spaces or commas. If the customers wants an ingredient double, just enter the number twice. He'll then be charged twice for that ingredient.


The total sum is displayed at the bottom of the page.

Pro Mode!

You can also use the keyboard to navigate the πzzaCalc. Do you see the underlined letters? You can press those on the keyboard to select the option they belong to or jump to their text input. Press the Escape key to clear the calculator.


I take no responsibility for anything!


If you'd like to change a price or remove something, just contact me and I'll do that pretty much immediately. In case you can't reach me anymore, here's how to proceed:

The calculator consists of a single HTML file. The code, price information and styling is contained within it. To make any changes to it, press CTRL+U to see the source and then save it as an .html file. You can just open it with a text editor like Gedit or Notepad++ and change values. Then you just need to upload it somewhere (e.g. the pizzalab server) and access it from there.

The project is hosted on GitLab where you can send me a merge request or just fork it entirely.



Proven Compounds